In the search bar, enter either a zip code or a City, State to find all pool halls within a 50-mile radius in the United States. All pool halls on this site, have a minimum of 4 pool tables.
Once you have entered a zip code, on the next screen, click the map expander icon in the top right, for best search results. Click it again to return back to original size.
Roll over any of the locations to see the name of that pool hall. When you click on one, a pop-up window will appear. Within this window you will see contact information for that pool hall and a link to their Facebook page. You will also see the hours and Google reviews for each place. Some of them will have a brief About section. We are working with each pool hall to help write one for their venue.
When you click on either the Facebook link or Google Reviews links in the map pop-ups it opens up in a new tab, so use your back button on your mobile phone to get back to the map.