I’m sure you’ve noticed that many pool halls are starting to stream their league, tournament and action matches online. Here are a few good reasons that you might want to start streaming too:
- Streaming your action on Facebook Live will energize and increase your business Facebook page’s followers
- Generally between 10-50% of your followers will watch your live streams
- You will add new followers during the broadcast when viewers share the stream and the Facebook algorithm sends it out even beyond your followers
- Your customer’s friends will want to watch them play online, especially when it’s during a lively league night. They are definitely more likely to share your stream with their pool-playing friends too, for that reason.
- We believe that having an experienced, engaging commentator is critical to the success of your new streaming venture. Your ideal customers won’t watch a stream for more than a minute or two, without compelling commentary. Whether you want to do that with someone in-house or work with one of our top-flight remote streamers/commentators, we are here to help.
- Adding live commentary enables you to promote your specials and promotion during the broadcast
- The more followers of your page, means more eyeballs on your posts, promoting the things that are most profitable for you to sell
- We can get you started with a streaming package for one table, for under $2,500 (includes camera, streaming software, laptop, headphones, mic, full installation and testing).
- Equipment leasing is available for qualified companies.
- To start, you will have a dedicated streaming expert to help you get set up and going with your first Facebook Live stream.
- Our goal is to provide a complete solution up front and to help you grow as you go forward with the action you stream
When you stream, you should be attracting new customers to your pool hall and selling more of the products and services that are most profitable for you.
To learn more or to get a personalized quote, fill out the form below and we’ll get right back to you.